Your Edmonton Family Dental Clinic
Mon - Tues 7am - 3pm , Wed - Thurs: 7am - 7pm, Fri 8am - 4pm

Posts by Martin Staniszewski

Start School Smiling

We are pleased to announce that we will be participating in a charity campaign sponsored by the Alberta Dental Association and College. The Start School Smiling allows Grade One students in Alberta to have a free examination, with bitewing x-rays if needed, at Glenora Dental. The campaign will be running from September 15 to October 31, 2018. Call (780) 452-5700 or click…

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Damaged Dental Crowns: How to Protect Your Investment

  If you have a large cavity, a fractured tooth, or an infected pulp, a dental crown can restore your function and your oral health. These custom-made restorations are durable and resilient, but they may not last forever. On average, a dental crown can last approximately 20 years. However, with modern materials and proper maintenance,…

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Why is My Breath Bad?

Bad Breath

We’ve all been there. After eating certain foods, it is not uncommon to notice that your breath is not as fresh as usual. Unfortunately, brushing, flossing, and rinsing will do little to mask the odour. Generally, the smell diminishes only after the foods have completely passed through the body. This is a normal byproduct of…

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5 Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Do you cover your mouth when you laugh? Do you smile with your lips closed? Patients who are self-conscious about the aesthetics of their teeth can improve their appearance with porcelain veneers at Glenora Dental. Those who choose this cosmetic treatment option can dramatically improve their smile in just two office visits. Today, our team…

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The Importance of Routine Oral Cancer Screenings

oral cancer screening

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, approximately 4,700 Canadians were diagnosed with oral cancer in 2017. Out of those cases, 1,250 ended in fatality.[1] These statistics are undoubtedly scary. However, the majority of deaths caused by oral cancer are due to late detection. In fact, oral cancer is quite treatable when diagnosed at an early…

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Exploring the Stages of Gum Disease

Gum Disease

Did you know that healthy gums are just as important as healthy teeth? After all, your gums protect and support your smile. Periodontal disease – or gum disease – can wreak havoc on your overall oral health. If left untreated, it can lead to a variety of serious complications, including tooth mobility and tooth loss.…

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What is the Difference between Bruxism and TMJ Disorder?

TMJ Bruxism

In the dental world, the terms “bruxism” and “TMJ disorder” or “TMJD” are used together quite frequently, and understandably so. After all, both of these issues exhibit similar symptoms. However, they are separate and different problems – and a thorough diagnosis is required to determine an appropriate treatment plan. Today, our team at Glenora Family…

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6 Things You Should Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Let’s face it – no one is particularly ecstatic about the idea of having a tooth extracted, much less four of them! But when it comes to wisdom teeth, removing them proactively can have a significant positive impact on your overall oral health. In this blog our team at Glenora Family Dental clinic in Edmonton…

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5 Tips for Root Canal Treatment Recovery

Dental Root Canal Treatment

No one likes to hear that they need root canal treatment. However, despite common misconceptions, many patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. In fact, the nature of the treatment actually removes the source of inflammation and pain directly. Therefore, while individuals may experience some degree of post-operative tenderness and sensitivity, most patients will feel…

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