Your Edmonton Family Dental Clinic
Mon - Tues 7am - 3pm , Wed - Thurs: 7am - 8pm, Fri 8am - 4pm

Teeth Whitening

Looking for a whiter smile? Teeth whitening could be the solution for you!

Because our teeth are porous, they absorb colour from anything we put in our mouths! Even if you avoid cigarette smoking, between the red wine, coffee, and mealtime, it’s nearly impossible to avoid some level of tooth staining.

Fear not! To combat tooth staining from the daily grind, Glenora Family Dental offers at-home teeth whitening solutions to our patients; a cost-effective and simple way to brighten your smile. Based on the level of whitening you’re looking for, Dr. VandenBrink will develop a tailored, at-home plan for your teeth. We use teeth-whitening products that are only available for professional use, leading to whitening results that are monitored by our team of dental professionals.

Realize whiter teeth with ZOOM! Whitening

If your teeth have lost their lustre, ZOOM! Whitening may be the perfect solution to restore them to an attractive shade.

Red wine, smoking, certain antibiotics, and other food and drinks can darken your teeth, Luckily ZOOM! Whitening offers personalized solutions to restore your smile. ZOOM! Whitening can brighten your smile up to eight shades in approximately 1 hour.

If you’re looking for whitening or teeth bleaching in Edmonton, we’re happy to walk you through any questions or concerns. Give us a call - (780) 452-5700.

Office Hours

Monday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday* 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday Closed

* Alternating weeks open

Our Address

Dr. John VandenBrink

Tel: (780) 452-5700

10534 124 St. NW #112
Edmonton, Alberta
T5N 1S1